An Expat Story You’ll Never Forget

Today I’d like to tell you a story of hope. It didn’t make the headline of an international press campaign. It’s a simple story from ordinary people living in my neighborhood. Nonetheless, it’s a … [Read more...]

Moving Abroad? 7 Things Your Child Needs To Hear You Say

Admit it… You feel guilty. For the third time in 4 years, you have to move. For you, it might just be OK. But for your kids? They’re 6, 12 and 15 years old. The younger starts grade one, the … [Read more...]

Orphan Spouse: How to Best Cope With Ambiguous Loss?

You’re an orphan spouse when you’re in a relationship but don’t live permanently with your partner under the same roof. Short term assignments, necessity or willingness to pursue dual careers, fly in … [Read more...]

Expat: You May Be an Orphan Spouse (and Not Even Know It)

Orphan spouse* is what happens when you’re in a relationship... but live separate lives. I hear you saying: "Why would you do that?" Generally because of your work, your partner’s work or … [Read more...]

Expat Women: 3 Simple But Essential Tips To Keep Your Marriage

*Expat Women: I’ve considered in this article that expat men are the bread earners and expat women the accompanying spouses. I’m aware that it’s a stereotype and that each family is unique. I wouldn’t … [Read more...]

Expat Men: 3 Simple but Essential Tips To Keep Your Marriage

When relocating abroad, we automatically think of cross-cultural training and language courses. Those are fine and necessary. But far from home, stressed by all the changes, who are you first … [Read more...]

5 Tips To Help You Come To Terms With Your Host Country

In the previous article, I explained how I formed my psychological contract with my former host country and how it affected me. All the personal messages I got showed that it resonated with … [Read more...]

Expats: One Little Known Factor That Could Harm You (and Your Kids)

I don’t know about you but I make psychological contracts with my host countries. Those psychological contracts, that I form in my head, are "comprised of a belief that some sort of a promise … [Read more...]

Expatriates: the Invisible Force Ruling Your Marriage (and All Your Relationships)

You may not have thought about it this way, but you make "psychological contracts" in your head all the time. I bet you even know what I mean by psychological contract before I explain it … [Read more...]

Expatriate Employee: How To Screw Up Your Marriage

As an expat employee, there are many ways to mess up your marriage. For your convenience, I've gathered the best ones here. Keep doing these and it's guaranteed: your relationship will be on … [Read more...]